Sunday, 26 February 2012

From your Parish Priest

WELCOME. My name is Father Arthur Nonny of the liberal Catholic church of St Daryl the Apostate, and I wish to welcome you all to this, the first online version of our parish newsletter. All except for Mr Jones, Mrs Robinson, the entire Thompson family, Mr Wells, Dr Lewis, and little Charlie McWeeble (age 3), who are all guilty of infringing Article 2477 of the Catechisms of the Church: if anyone sees these errant parishioners, then I suggest they scowl at them in a particularly meaningful way, so that they realise that God's judgement will be coming upon them sooner than they think.

SPIRITUALITY. At St Daryl's we have been rather torn this week by the news that Rowan Williams was debating religion with Richard Dawkins. Since they are both adherents to the true doctrines of socialism, it seems that the only matter on which they disagreed was a minor one to do with the existence, or otherwise, of God. Hardly something which bothers us at St Daryl's. So your parish priest will not rush to take sides here, as some dinosaur traditionalists may have been tempted to!

PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO ROME. Plans are coming along nicely, and the children at Cardinal Vogon School have been making banners bearing the messages "Benedict must go," "Ordain Women Now" and "Ban the Latin Mass," which we intend to wave when we attend Mass in St John Lateran.

LENTEN ALMS: The usual collecting boxes are available in the porch. This year we shall be supporting twelve asylum-seekers from London. We particularly welcome donations of single-malt whisky, contraceptives, caviare, Havana cigars and unusual sex toys.

SISTER WENDY WRITES: I was horrified this week to read that some healthy babies are being aborted simply because they are female. There is only one answer to this - we must offer compulsory gender reassignment to a certain quota of new-born boys. As girls they will naturally live longer, be better at parking cars, and thus be ideally suited to accept ordination as priests, which can only be a matter of time.

GAY NOTES: Today's Bible readings were about the rainbow, a symbol that God gave to Noah after the Flood. It cannot be a coincidence that this is the symbol of the LGBT movement, for the Lord was telling us to welcome Diversity wherever we find it. The next Gay Mass at St Daryl's (sponsored by the Vincent Nichols Trust) will take place on Sunday 11th March. We're going to have a really naughty time, so bring a friend!

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: What is truth? John 18:38


  1. If I come to St Daryl's do I have to wear a hat? If so, what kind of a hat would you suggest? Must I always wear a hat? There is a kind of levelling goes on in this area I find - did you see the Cardinals in St. Peters and the pop on that ambulatory machine? Of course I would never let myself be seen by plus Vin because I know it's a sore point with him and all his admirers

  2. Please would a well-disposed Mac user help me put up a wordpress website under "Rambling Rose "with all suitable links? This website is brilliant. Did Eccles help?

    1. I'm setting up for you. Yes, Eccles was very much involved in this page!
